Global Green Beauty Awards fejre skønhedsbranchens indsats for at gøre produkter, emballage og indkøb mere bæredygtige til fordel for vores planet og sundhed. Redaktøren fortæller: "So many brands have overturned their original products to bring them more in line with green practices. A number have looked at their packaging and revised it to make it plastic free, biodegradable, recyclable or by using recycled materials. Brands have also taken a keen interest into the sustainability of their ingredients - asking questions such as 'How is it farmed' 'Where is it farmed?' 'Are we replanting?' 'What is our carbon footprint?''.
Vinderne er blevet offentliggjort, og vi vandt Editor's Choice Award - Silver. Vi er stolte over at se vores nyhed Anti-Ageing Face Cream Pure no. 101 i denne kategori, da den matcher vores DNA for ZENZ Version 2.0.
Vinderne blev udvalgt af et panel af 6 skønhedseksperter ud fra følgende to kriterier:
- Dommerpanelets test af produkterne.
- Hvordan produkterne opfylder de grønne og rene kriterier i forhold til den enkelte kategori.
Skrevet om produktet: "A terrific anti ageing cream which is 99% natural and 61% certified organic.The cream contains natural ingredients such as aloe vera, sheabutter and organic cold-pressed avocadooil, and is with out any perfume.Your skin gets an instant moisture boost and becomes smoother and softer with reduced wrinkles and a fuller appearance."
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